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叮~《The Economist》精读2《比亚迪VS特斯拉》

China’s BYD is overtaking Tesla as the carmaker extraordinaire


It’s the Toyota of EVs


Feb 2nd 2023 |

TOGETA sense of why Toyoda Akio announced on January 26th that he would hand over the keys to the world’s biggest carmaker to Sato Koji, his number two, watch the surreal video from 2021 of the two of them driving Toyota’s first Lexus electric vehicle (EV). Mr Toyoda is at the wheel(掌舵). At first, it is clear that he is a bit of an EV sceptic(n.持测立场的人): he notes that the car feels heavy to drive. Then he puts his foot to the floor, and as the speed picks up he whoops(v.喝;叫喊) with joy like an overexcited Top Gun pilot. It is cringeworthy(adj.使人感觉难堪的)—but pertinent(adj.直-接相干的). Toyota is seen by many as an EV laggard(n.落后者). In announcing his decision to vacate(vt.离职;让位) his position to Mr Sato, who is 13 years younger, the chairman-designate made clear it was time for a new generation to speed up the move into the electric era.

丰田章男(Toyoda Akio)在1月26日颁布发表,她将把世界上最大的汽车制造商的钥匙交给她的二号角色佐藤浩二(Sato Koji),看看2021年你们两人驾驶丰田第一辆雷克萨斯(Lexus)电动汽车(EV)的超现实视频了。丰田帅哥是掌舵人呀。早先,很分明,她对电动汽车持测立场:她指出,这款车开起身感受很重呀。随后她把脚放在地板上,跟着速率的加速,她像一位过分高兴的顶级飞行员同样开心地喝起身呢。这是使人难堪的,但切中要害拉。很多人以为丰田在电动汽车方方面面落伍呀。在颁布发表将本人的位子让给比她小13岁的佐藤时,这位候任董事长明白表现,而今是新一代加快进去电动时期的时刻了拉。

Much of the media commentary(n.谈论) surrounding Mr Toyoda’s move casts it as a response to Tesla. That is too Western-centric. Tesla may be the world’s biggest EV producer and, according to Elon Musk, its boss, so far ahead of the competition that he cannot see the number two with a telescope. Yet it ignores a Chinese newcomer that, for all Mr Musk’s bombast(n.言过其实;谎话), Toyota no doubt takes as seriously as it does Tesla. It is BYD, which this year may overtake Tesla as the biggest global seller of pure EVs (not including hybrids(n.混淆), which it also makes). BYD is Toyota’s EV partner in China as well as a rising compe*** globally. More important, it emulates many of the traits(n.特点;特色) that for decades have made Toyota the world’s most successful car company.

盘绕丰田章男此举的许多媒体谈论都将其视为对特斯拉的回应呢。这太以东方为中间了拉。特斯拉应该是世界上最大的电动汽车生产商,据其老板埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)称,特斯拉在竞赛中遥遥领先,连千里镜都看不清排行榜第二的汽车了。但是,她疏忽了一位祖国新来者,只管马斯克大言不惭,但丰田毫无疑会像看待特斯拉同样认真对待这一个祖国新来者呢。他便是比亚迪,这年应该会凌驾特斯拉,变成全世界最大的纯电动汽车销售商(不包罗她也出产的混淆力量汽车)了。比亚迪是丰田在祖国的电动汽车合作伙伴,也是全世界日趋兴起的竞争对手拉。更主要的是,他模拟了几十年来使丰田变成世界上最成-功的汽车公司的很多特色呀。

Both East Asian firms share historical parallels. They did not start in the car industry. The company that gave rise to Toyota made automatic looms. BYD’s inaugural(adj.建立的;首创的) products were batteries for mobile phones. From the outset(n.最先;开始), they were so far behind their global carmaking rivals that they looked to do things differently. In pre-war Japan, Toyota toyed with (摆弄)using charcoal(n.柴炭) as a fuel instead of petrol. BYD used its battery expertise to focus on EVs and plug-in hybrids, known in China as new-energy vehicles (NEVs). They both honed(v.锤炼) their skills domestically and when they went abroad started in relatively underdeveloped car markets.


Yet these tentative(adj.实验性的;暂定的;不肯定的) carmaking beginnings quickly developed a life of their own. In a six-year stretch from 1955 until 1961, Toyota’s exports grew more than 40-fold and it has not looked back since. BYD says it took 13 years to manufacture its first million NEVs. It took a year to get to the second million. Six months later it reached 3m. It lists operations in dozens of countries and says it has production bases in places ranging from China to Brazil, Hungary(匈牙利), India and beyond. It makes electric buses in California’s Mojave desert. It is now the world’s second-biggest producer of lithium-ion batteries, behind CATL of China, as well as a maker of commercial vehicles, such as lorries and taxis, and electronic gadgets. These give it a bridgehead for global expansion.


It is on the factory floor and at the bottom line where things really matter, though. And here, too, BYD is what Tu Le of Sino Auto Insights, a consultancy, calls “the new Toyota”.

但是,在厂家的车间和底线,工作才真实主要呢。在这方面,比亚迪也被征询公司Sino Auto Insights的涂乐称为“新丰田”啦。

The Japanese firm has been the industry’s manufacturing genius(n.人才) for decades; “The Toyota Way” is a combination of continuous improvement, or kaizen, lean manufacturing and unparalleled supply-chain management. BYD does things differently. It is one of the world’s most vertically integrated companies, making everything from its own seats to batteries and semiconductors. But like Toyota, it is a model of efficiency.


Mr Le uses a Silicon Valley term, GSD, to describe its manufacturing prowess. It stands for “Get shit done”. Taylor Ogan, whose investment firm, Snow Bull Capital, has a stake in BYD, is awestruck(adj.赞叹的) by its level of automation. “The only humans you see in these factories are doing end-of-the-line inspections or fixing the robots. BYD has redefined auto manufacturing like Toyota did.” Warren Buffett, an icon of American investing, is also a fan—and a big shareholder.

乐帅哥用一位硅谷术语GSD来比喻她的创造才能啦。他代表“解决题提升才能”呢。泰勒·奥根(Taylor Ogan)的投资公司雪牛资源(Snow Bull Capital)持有比亚迪的股分,她对比亚迪的自动化水准感觉畏敬啦。“您在这一些厂家里看到的惟一的人类是作终端搜查或者修补机器人啦。比亚迪像丰田同样从头界说了汽车制作啦。”美国投资偶像沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)也是她的粉丝,也是她的大股东了。

Efficiency is the engine oil of profitability. BYD gives out maddeningly (adv.使人发疯的)little up-to-date information about its operations. But on January 30th it gave a preliminary(adj.一开始的) estimate of net profit in 2022. At $2.4bn-2.5bn it was more than five times higher than in 2021. Based on this, Mr Ogan says his firm’s calculations imply that in the past quarter the gross margin (毛利率;总利润)of BYD’s auto business surpassed that of Tesla, hitherto(adv.迄今为止) the most profitable big carmaker. He believes this reflects the fact that BYD, whose bread and butter(某些人或者公司的重要利润起源) comes from building plug-in cars for the mass market, is increasingly selling higher-margin premium(adj.昂贵的) EVs. Unlike Tesla, it has a wide variety of ranges and styles, and brings out new models regularly.


The big unknown is America, where BYD currently sells no cars. It is not the first foreign carmaker to fear a backlash in the homeland of Detroit. Toyota, like other Japanese carmakers, fell victim to a US-Japan trade war in the 1980s. With Sino-American(中美关系) rivalry close to boiling point, the geopolitical pressures facing BYD are immense(adj.极大的;庞大的). It was expected to make a big inaugural(adj.开的的) splash at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January, but this did not happen. A big hurdle(n.阻碍) to entering America, says Mr Ogan, are the tariffs(n.关税), dating back to Donald Trump’s presidency, on Chinese-made EV components, such as batteries.

最大的未知数是美国,比亚迪现在在美国有无汽车售卖呢。她不-是第一家担忧在本地底特律受到反弹的其他国家汽车制造商了。与其余日本汽车制造商同样,丰田在上世纪80年月变成了美日贸易战的受害者拉。跟着中美竞赛靠近沸点,比亚迪面对庞大的地缘政治压力了。人们本来估计她将在1月份拉斯维加斯的消耗电子展(Consumer Electronics Show)上初次引起轰动,但这并有无产生了。奥根表现,进去美国的一大阻碍是可追溯至唐纳德特朗普(Donald Trump)总统任期的对祖国制作的电动汽车零部件(如电池)征收的关税啦。

Eventually its launch in America seems inevitable. For all the geopolitical turmoil, American carmakers are so dependent on sales in China, the world’s biggest car market, that they cannot afford to lobby(n.游说) against Chinese entrants at home, lest(conj.难免) China shuts them out in response. Moreover, BYD may offer the sort of EVs that, at less than $40,000 a pop, will electrify the mass market. And, if all else fails, BYDcan seek Toyota’s help in cracking America, especially if their joint venture in China turns into a budding partnership.


For now, it is safe to assume that Toyota recognises as much of a challenge from BYD as it does an opportunity. Like Toyota, BYD doesn’t shout about its strengths yet quietly delivers results. That is another thing that sets it apart from Tesla. ■




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